BQQuote 2016 is an app for the UPCI Bible Quizzing Program to help individuals keep track of their quote sessions and mastery of their quiz material. The scriptures included are for the 2016 quiz season covering selected verses from James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans. Use this app to daily quote your quizzers, and to do verse beginning drills with your quizzers to improve referencing skills. Currently there are two types of drills in the app: drills to quote entire verses, and drills to practice referencing using unique verse beginnings. View summaries of quizzer progress, and create new quote sessions and verse beginning drills based on verses missed.
When you start a verse quote session, a verse reference and the full verse will be displayed. Call out the verse reference. The 30 second timer automatically begins, padded with two seconds to give you time to call out the reference. When the quizzer starts quoting the verse, click the Started Quoting button. If the quizzer misses or cant think of the verse beginning, click the Missed Beginning button. Listen as the quizzer quotes the verse. If the quizzer misquotes the verse, click the Missed Quote button. Finally, after indicating whether the quizzer missed the verse or not, click the Finished button. The app will automatically advance to the next verse, and the quote process is repeated. At any time you can click the Pause button to pause the timer (in case you want to take a short break) or click the Save/Exit button, which will save your current position in the quote session and take you back to the quizzers main screen.
When you create a verse beginning drill, the number of seconds that you choose for time allowed is very important. A quizzer that really references well should be able to start a verse in less than 5 seconds. If a quizzer cannot start a verse in less than 15 seconds then they need to drill their verse beginnings more so that their referencing improves. When you start a verse beginning drill, the verse reference and the unique verse beginning for that verse will be displayed. You can call out either the verse reference or the verse beginning, depending on how you want to drill the quizzer. The timer automatically starts, and is not padded to allow you to call out the reference so keep this in mind when setting up the drill. The quizzer will be given the time allotted to try to think of the verse beginning. As soon as the quizzer responds, click the Next button if correct or the Miss button if missed. The app will advance to the next verse and the drill process is repeated. If a quizzer fails to respond within the allotted time, the app marks it as a miss and advances to the next verse automatically. To pause a verse beginning drill, click the pause button. Clicking the back button will also pause the drill and return you to the quizzers main screen.